Wanna Party?
Our space is meant to be shared with special people. Reserve the backroom and patio for your special day.
Weekly Events
Open Mic Nights 8p - 10p
Share a song or recite some poetry?
Hosted by Adam Gasser of Earth to Clark
Monday & Tuesday
Open by private appointment. We’re probably doing a little bar crawl to see our bartender friends in the area and ending at the Carom Room.
Corgi-Karaoki 9p - 2a
Paws down, the best night here. It might be the most supportive and fun karaoke you’ll find.
Live Painter 9p - 10:30p
Cheria graces us with an entire painting in 1 night
Live Jazz Band 8p - 9:30p
Band: Dark Matter, and assorted bonus musicians
Bands, or the back room turns into a dance floor 9p - close
Bands, or karaoke mixed with dance music 9p - close
Monthly Events
Drag Queen BINGO Nights
Last Thursday of the month | 7p - 9p
Co-hosted by Yellow Brick Road. $10 for 10 rounds, various prizes from 5BAR and the Yellow Brick Road. A very entertaining time with interactive games for prizes. Play in the back room, must be 18yr old, 21+ after 10p
Music by: Nick and Friends
All original music, 3rd Friday of the month, 7p - 9p
DND, Hosted by the Nerdy Playbook
Alternating Thursday nights, 7p - 11p, all welcome to watch and enjoy together. Upcoming nights: February 13 & 27, March 13 & 27, April 10 & 24, May 8 & 22. Message them directly for more info or to join a campaign: The Nerdy Playbook
Special Events Coming Up
Drag Bingo!
Thursday, February 27th 7p-9p
Co-hosted by Yellow Brick Road. $10 for 10 rounds, various prizes from 5BAR and the Yellow Brick Road. A very entertaining time with interactive games for prizes. Play in the back room, must be 18yr old, 21+ after 10p
2 Bands: Heavy Toll + mollifi
Friday, March 7th, 8p-12a
Details pending, $10 show
Adam Gasser Concert
Saturday, March 8th
Details pending, $10 show
St Patty’s Weekend!
Friday: Band
Saturday, March 15th, 5p-2a
4 bands? Let’s do it! Facebook Link and eventbrite ticket Link.
First Day of Spring - Patio Party
Thursday, March 20th, 5p-2a
It’s time to enjoy the patio at 5BAR again, yay. Buy-one-get-one on Capri-Sunrises
Nick & Friends Show
Friday, March 21st, 8p-10p
Come and swing to the tunes
Band: Details TBA
Saturday, March 22nd
Andrew is working on a metal line-up
Band: Details TBA
Friday, March 28th
Andrew is working on a metal line-up
Hip Hop Show and DJ’ing by Vinney Krew
Saturday, March 29th, 8p-2a
Details coming…
5BLOCK: Neighborhood Cleanup Day
Sunday, March 30th, 10a-5p
Meet up at 5BAR, select a few streets on a map, and let’s go walk about and clean up our city. Complimentary coffee afterwards on us

Mystery Movie Mondays
So there are 5 Mondays in January? Well then, each Monday this January we will pick an iconic drink from a movie, post a picture of it, and play that movie in our new living room space in the front. Buy a drink and enjoy a small sample shot of the iconic drink as well. Bring a snack and make a friend.
Today’s drink: White Russian, the drink that inspired the idea itself. Dude, it’s a classic.

Monday Yoga Sessions
Need to start the year off with healthy habits? Make yoga at 5BAR part of your routine. We’ve paired up with @Bloom_Yoga_and_Wellness for a month of focus, so come one week or all of them, the goal is a clean start to 2022.
The focus of this session is SETUP: set yourself up for continued success
This is a free event, but we do ask you to kindly enjoy a paid beverage. This January we will have many mocktail and tea options if that is a part of your new year goals. The main menu will feature 5 hot cocktails to keep you warm and help you loosen up. Cheers!

Mystery Movie Mondays
So there are 5 Mondays in January? Well then, each Monday this January we will pick an iconic drink from a movie, post a picture of it, and play that movie in our new living room space in the front. Buy a drink and enjoy a small sample shot of the iconic drink as well. Bring a snack and make a friend.
Today’s drink: Cosmopolitan, we will be serving it in two different styles. We might even heat one up for a 3rd version, who knows!

Monday Yoga Sessions
Need to start the year off with healthy habits? Make yoga at 5BAR part of your routine. We’ve paired up with @Bloom_Yoga_and_Wellness for a month of focus, so come one week or all of them, the goal is a clean start to 2022.
The focus of this session is RESONATE: take your second step forward in your new routines
This is a free event, but we do ask you to kindly enjoy a paid beverage. This January we will have many mocktail and tea options if that is a part of your new year goals. The main menu will feature 5 hot cocktails to keep you warm and help you loosen up. Cheers!

Mystery Movie Mondays
So there are 5 Mondays in January? Well then, each Monday this January we will pick an iconic drink from a movie, post a picture of it, and play that movie in our new living room space in the front. Buy a drink and enjoy a small sample shot of the iconic drink as well. Bring a snack and make a friend.
Today’s drink: Singapore Sling, this movie is set in a warmer climate.

Monday Yoga Sessions
Need to start the year off with healthy habits? Make yoga at 5BAR part of your routine. We’ve paired up with @Bloom_Yoga_and_Wellness for a month of focus, so come one week or all of them, the goal is a clean start to 2022.
The focus of this session is RESET: set goals for 2022
This is a free event, but we do ask you to kindly enjoy a paid beverage. This January we will have many mocktail and tea options if that is a part of your new year goals. The main menu will feature 5 hot cocktails to keep you warm and help you loosen up. Cheers!

Mystery Movie Mondays
So there are 5 Mondays in January? Well then, each Monday this January we will pick an iconic drink from a movie, post a picture of it, and play that movie in our new living room space in the front. Buy a drink and enjoy a small sample shot of the iconic drink as well. Bring a snack and make a friend.
Today’s drink: Vesper Martini, we might shake it, we might stir it, come find out.

Monday Yoga Sessions
Need to start the year off with healthy habits? Make yoga at 5BAR part of your routine. We’ve paired up with @Bloom_Yoga_and_Wellness for a month of focus, so come one week or all of them, the goal is a clean start to 2022.
The focus of this session is REJECT: identifying what you want to change
This is a free event, but we do ask you to kindly enjoy a paid beverage. This January we will have many mocktail and tea options if that is a part of your new year goals. The main menu will feature 5 hot cocktails to keep you warm and help you loosen up. Cheers!

Mystery Movie Mondays
So there are 5 Mondays in January? Well then, each Monday this January we will pick an iconic drink from a movie, post a picture of it, and play that movie in our new living room space in the front. Buy a drink and enjoy a small sample shot of the iconic drink as well. Bring a snack and make a friend.
Today’s drink: Red Eye, created as a ‘morning after’ or ‘hair of the dog’ cocktail, it’s kind of perfect for the New Year!

Monday Yoga Sessions
Need to start the year off with healthy habits? Make yoga at 5BAR part of your routine. We’ve paired up with @Bloom_Yoga_and_Wellness for a month of focus, so come one week or all of them, the goal is a clean start to 2022.
The focus of this session is REFLECT: reflections on yourself in 2021
This is a free event, but we do ask you to kindly enjoy a paid beverage. This January we will have many mocktail and tea options if that is a part of your new year goals. The main menu will feature 5 hot cocktails to keep you warm and help you loosen up. Cheers!

Mondays Candlelit Nights
Levi the owner will put on some chill music, light too many candles, and vibe with you.

Mondays Candlelit Nights
Levi the owner will put on some chill music, light too many candles, and vibe with you.

Gift-Bow Party
Christmas Gift-Bow Party, We will have hundreds of bows, wear them, and smile!