Lady Corgi

We think she’s the best bar dog around

Some facts about Lady the corgi

  • Birthday: 11/29/2020

  • Breed: Pembroke corgi

  • Origin of name: Levi waited nearly a month for this lovely creature to show its personality. With many customers offering ideas, slowly it became apparent that this cutie was in everyone’s hearts and she was a little Lady.

  • Favorite customer: Woodchuck, it was the first person she saw as a puppy at 5BAR

  • Favorite snack: bacon bits

  • Routine: morning time is full of yawns, stretchies, back to bed while Levi gets ready, light meal, light walk, yawns, back to bed while Levi takes care of computer work over coffee. In the mid afternoon Lady might get a walk up to the Castle to catch up on more work for Levi, where she gets a nice nap on the big couch. Early evening its time for a big dinner, big walkie towards Buchel and a Peck then back. If its light outside she will likely give a few welcome ‘borks’ to customers with a light tail wag. Then its smooth sailing resting near a couch and begging for ice cubes from the bartenders until she falls asleep.

  • Favorite other dog: TBD

Lady’s first picture at 5BAR

It was a bitterly cold February day in 2021 when she walked into the bar.

Little snow flakes slowly melted from her nose.

She didn’t know it then, but that bar would become her second home.

And the people she would meet would turn into lifelong friends.